
Went shopping a bit. Bought White Knight Chronicles. As well as Yu-Gi-Oh! Limited Edition 14, Obelisk and a new set of earphones.
Intro abit.

まだ試してないけど面白そうだったので Haven't tried it but looked interesting so...

LE14、こっちではちょっとしたレア品 since we can't send those postcards here have to buy

我が竜デッキの新たなメンバー New member to my dragon deck

コレクションに入れた Added to my collection
CREATIVE MEDIA Creative EP-630 イヤホン ブラック EP-630-BK

CREATIVE MEDIA Creative EP-630 イヤホン ブラック EP-630-BK

例のイヤホン、綺麗な音で大満足 The earphones. Nice clear rich sound, highly satisfied.