AFA09 その2

And day 2. The crowd was the same as yesterday's, if not more, expected for a Sunday. So I bought a Weib Schwarz Persona 4 Trial Deck and participated in the TD tournament, but lost the first round and got eliminated. The timing for the elimination was quite good too, went for the K-on event straight from there. The main voice actresses of K-on got on stage and did a live dubbing. For some unknown reason, only Mio's voice actress was absent, the other 4 came though. The question & answer session after that was quite interesting too. Following that, my friend got eliminated from the grand prix tourney at 3rd place, sadly. After that, was another live dubbing and Q&A session from the voice actor/actress of Weib Survive. And guess what, I managed to get my card signed by Michi's voice actress, Kitta Izumi. swee~.